Tag: writer
Jean-Gabriel Causse
Author of “L’étonnant pouvoir des couleurs”, (The Astonishing Power of Colors), a best-seller explaining the in uence of the chromatic palette on our moods, on how we learn and on our creativity, Jean-Gabriel Causse is back with a novel “Les crayons de couleur” ….
Amélie Nothomb, profoundly original
– Interview – Amélie Nothomb,profoundly original A singular being fired by intrepid inspiration, Amélie Nothomb has been sharing with us for almost 30 years her thrilling and immediately recognizable novels that entirely resemble her – and yet chime with our innermost selves. According to certain dictionary definitions, originality is associated with singularity and eccentricity. So […]
Josef Schovanec
– INTERVIEW – Josef Schovanec Philosopher and writer Josef Schovanec tells of his passion for travel in a weekly radio broadcast on Europe 1. Through books such as Je suis à l’est and Voyages en Autistan, published by Plon, he approaches autism through his personal experience. Isn’t being oneself the best means of being original?Being […]