Tag: joy
Is fashion a kill-joy?
A parade of sad girls, stylists on the verge of burn-out, dark colors, stark shapes… Why is fashion often the victim of chronic neurasthenia? Is despair a saleable commodity? Happilythere are those who successfully advocate another vision of style that is sunnier, happier and more positive.
Frédéric Lenoir ““Inner progress is a source of joy””
Philosopher, author of a large number of essays and managing editor for “Le Monde des religions” from 2004 to 2013, Frédéric Lenoir had his latest book La Puissance de la joie published by Fayard in 2015.
JR rocks the world
– Art & culture – JRrocks the world With the same elation as a mischievous KID that has found a concealed door at the back of the school courtyard, JR opens up windows of joy in the walls of daily life. Since 2004, this Parisian photographer has been creating GIANT COLLAGES all over the world […]
Ode to joy, a question of tempo
– Art & culture – Ode to JoyA question of tempo In 2013, Pharell Williams found the recipe for making the whole world “HAPPY”. Studies reveal that there definitely seems to be a secret when it comes to composing music and creating tunes that hit the spot every time. A magic formula that has been scientifically analyzed by specialists. […]